Genome3DExplorer is an immersive analytics system to explore the Yeast gene block duplications dataset through a 3D node/link visualization. Each node represents a chromosome, where its size is displayed through the node size and its side, right or left, through the node color, blue and red respectively. Nodes are positioned using a force-directed placement algorithm.
The user has access to a dataglove to move node as he would like, performing a pinch gesture to grab a node and then open his hand for release. Moreover, high level filter to show/hide visual elements, i.e. nodes, edges, and labels, can be triggered via voice commands, such as “show labels” or “hide edges”.
[1] Férey, N., Gros, P. E., Hérisson, J., & Gherbi, R. (2005, November). Visual data mining of genomic databases by immersive graph-based exploration. In Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and South East Asia (pp. 143-146). ACM.