The Cosmic Worm is an immersive analytics system which aim to ease the understanding of highly complex simulation of cosmic phenomena, i.e. Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities and the nature of gravitational waves. Result of those simulations are visualized in a CAVE and represented through isosurfaces where color are used to distinguish the various parameters.
Using a wand, user can control the timestep of the simulation and can also access a virtual menu to change value of the simulation parameters leading to a new rendering upon confirmation giving close to instant feedback.
To ensure interactivity, a minimum framerate of 10 fps is needed for CAVE solution, which lead to some limitation, such as reduction of the dataset size, simplification of theoretical algorithm computation and decreased quality and details of the rendered scene.
[1] T. M. Roy, C. Cruz-Neira, and T. A. DeFanti, “Cosmic Worm in the CAVE: Steering a High-Performance Computing Application from a Virtual Environment,” Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 121–129, jan 1995.